Phoenix Entertainment and Development

Phoenix Entertainment and Development

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Goodnight Kisses by Wilhelmina Stolen

Come Join us as we celebrate Author Wilhelmina Stolen's newest book!

Fearing she carries her mother’s curse of marriage, nineteen-year-old Eleanor Mackenna swore never to vow herself into matrimonial bondage. Nuptials aren’t needed where true love is concerned. A concept she is sure a man like McCrea Coldiron would agree with. The town gossip has him pegged as a heart breaker, but Eleanor knows a different side to McCrea. And years of loving him without seeing his affection returned has made her desperate enough to ask him for advice on seducing a man. 


McCrea isn’t proud of his reputation as a brawler and a womanizer. As a teenager the rumors were funny, now they may cost him the land he has worked so hard for. Chatty little Eleanor Mackenna has been chasing his spurs for years and ignoring her was easy to do until she grew up. A beautiful face and curves in all the right places made her hard to resist, and when his granddad lays down an ultimatum to make her his wife, McCrea offers her a first class lesson in seduction.

Wilhelmina Stolen is a native of Kentucky and makes her home in a small southern town close to the Tennessee line. During her adolescence, her mother's free spirited nature became restless causing the family to embark on a slew of adventurous moves across the country. The moves provoked a hunger for adventure and romance and introduced her to a wonderful world of history and beauty. 

As with most writers, her stories began at an early age with long sessions of seclusion and secrecy. While her classmates and friends were outside playing, Shannon was locked away in her room hammering out ideas on an old 1940's Royal typewriter. 

After finding Mr. Right, Shannon found herself wanting the comfort and security of the small Kentucky town she longed to escape as a child. Fortune smiled upon her and she became the family historian; gathering pictures, wills, marriage certificates and everything else that somehow managed to fall into her lap. Stories flooded her mind and writing quickly became an obsession that turned into the Way of Hearts Saga. 

Connect with the Author here: 

A Lesson in Seduction

The sound of her pounding heart overpowered the noise of the drunken crowd, blocking out whistles and lewd cheers when their lips touched. According to all her research on sex, a kiss could manifest an orgasm, and McCrea’s had her seconds away from crying out in ecstasy. It was everything she dreamed it would be soft, sweet, and sexy, and nothing like the boy kisses she’d had before. His skillful lips were magical and cast a spell that left her lightheaded and weak. Sweet lord, this was heaven.
Heaven that ended too soon when he pulled back. “We’re drawing a crowd.” The alcohol on his breath mingled with his rich cologne that left her holding onto his shirt for support.
“I don’t care,” she managed.
His low, coarse laughter penetrated every nerve in her body. “Normally, I wouldn’t either, but─” The unfinished sentence lifted her eyes to his.
“But what?”
“I don’t want people talking trash about my Eleanor.”
His Eleanor?
“You had to know they’d talk about anything we do.”
“After tonight, what they say about us won’t matter anyway.” She wasn’t sure what he meant by that. The hungry hounds of gossip weren’t easily appeased, and the thought of tomorrow’s gossip headlines almost had her cringing. Mouthy Mildred’s Hot Topic List would read: Local Playboy Seduces Innocent Neighbor Girl. She could see poor Rose as her complexion paled, and she tried to explain how it was all just gossip. Good luck, Grandma.
McCrea looped a loose strand of her hair around his finger and gently tugged. “What happened to the little girl in pigtails, and braces that used to chase me around the barnyard?”
Oh, she’s still chasing you. “She grew up,” she whispered, because it was too early to admit the truth.
His finger traced her jawline, and ventured down her neck to her collar bone which gave her body an involuntary shiver. “She sure did.” The depths of his eyes reflected a new fascination for the woman he saw in her.
The break of his lips and the slant of his head let her know another kiss was coming, and she didn’t care who saw it. The touch of his lips fueled her hunger for something more, and the teasing war with his tongue drove her closer to the sweet release she craved. She was in the hands of a capable lover, one who could tease her all night. He was five years her senior and experienced in a way that made him threatening to any woman who wanted to risk her heart for more than one night in his bed.
What would that be like? Her imagination dove deeper into a torrid scene of his body entwined with hers. She knew McCrea wasn’t the teasing and leaving kind, and the scene in her head would happen if she didn’t stop it. He wanted satisfaction just as much as she did, and his dates didn’t end with goodnight kisses. Sweet Lord! What am I doing?

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