Ready to learn how to "Eliminate guilt and perfectionism, Identify the “Superwoman Burnout” cycle that keeps you trapped in monotony, Escape the “Compare Snare” to shine in your own light, and Finally and fully embrace the Joy cradled in your arms and in your heart."
Then let's get to know this book!!!

Written by a veteran mother of nine still up to her eyeballs in mud pies and mayhem, The
Guilt-Free Guidebook for Moms is sure to keep you tickled, tearing up and turning pages as you
learn how to break free of the chokehold of an endless To-Do list, so you can finally enjoy the
beauty that is all around you.
Author Bio
Amy Price loves to create, write, and dream in and around managing the chaos generated by
her amazing husband, their nine children and their lively homeschooling lifestyle. Amy
considers herself a “recovering addict” where babies are concerned. She just can’t get
enough. Her hobbies include preserving memories, quantum physics, designing wild and
delicious cakes, and death by pasta. Her kids and their friends consider her everything from
hilarious to crazy, and she just gets better with age.
From only child to “CEO” of a bustling household, one constant in Amy’s life has been her love
of writing. Team that with her natural draw to children and studying at the Institute for
Children’s Literature became a given. Amy and her family currently terrorize the Rocky
Mountains of Idaho, but she looks forward to sharing her message of Joy around the world.
With a wealth of ideas from self-helps to coaching programs, mysteries to fantasy novels, you
never know what Amy will come out with next, but it is sure to revolve around her continuous
message of love, family and joy.
“When was the last time
this happened to you?
It is a beautiful day.
The sun is shining happily down on everything and everyone, including
you. You have a blanket
spread out on the thick, green grass. It is soaking up the warmth from the sun
with every second, inviting you to stretch out and bask it all in. The breeze
ruffles your hair, tickling your temples. The fresh scent of cut grass mingle
with pine needles from the park’s manicure earlier in the day.
You look up at your kids
playing on the park play set nearby, and you can’t help but chuckle.
They are just so
stinking cute, playing there together. Their giggling floats away on the wind.
You pick up your book
with a sigh - content.
But just as you settle
in, bare toes curling in the grass, you feel it. It starts as a slight tremor
the back of your neck.
Then it slithers down your spine. You feel like you’re being watched. Unease
flutters in the pit of your stomach, and you just can’t sit still.
Finally you get the
nerve to peek over your shoulder, and there it is! Guilt! Big, fat, ugly,
scary guilt! And it is
there for you.
It won’t let you rest.
It won’t let you relax. It stares at you, demanding your attention. Then
you hear it whispering
to you. You know what it says….
“What do you think you
are doing? You can’t be here. You can’t relax. You have too much to
do. Who do you think you
are? You are the MOM. You aren’t allowed to have fun. What about the cleaning?
What about the laundry? What about that project? What about his homework
assignment? What about the dinner party in two days? Shouldn’t you be making
150,000 hand-stamped bookmarks for Sunday’s lesson? Shouldn’t you be getting on
those five dozen custom-decorated cupcakes for scouts? When are you ever going
to finish that dress (or scrapbook or clock or doily or whatever it is still
taking up room in “that closet”)? What makes you think you can take a
Please tell me I am not
the only one who can hear it so vividly!
For over twenty years, I
have wrestled with this pesky, little bugger. With nine children, being a
stay-at-home mom, a
recovering perfectionist and a homeschooler to boot, I probably have had more
than my own fair share of guilt. (Haven’t we all?) But guilt is the big, bad
arch-nemesis of Joy. Joy is my all-time, absolute favorite word, I believe, the
ultimate reason of why we are here.”
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